
Design your own GNN layer


>>> import torch
>>> from torch.nn import Parameter
>>> import torch.nn.functional as F
>>> import torch.nn as nn
>>> from torch_scatter import scatter_mean
>>> from torch_scatter import scatter_sum
>>> from torch_geometric.utils import remove_self_loops, add_self_loops, softmax
>>> # torch_geometric import
>>> from torch_geometric.nn.inits import uniform
>>> from torch_geometric.nn import max_pool_x
>>> class GINet_layer(torch.nn.Module):
>>>     def __init__(self,
>>>                  in_channels,
>>>                  out_channels,
>>>                  number_edge_features=1,
>>>                  bias=False):
>>>         super(EGAT, self).__init__()
>>>         self.in_channels = in_channels
>>>         self.out_channels = out_channels
>>>         self.fc = nn.Linear(self.in_channels, self.out_channels, bias=bias)
>>>         self.fc_edge_attr = nn.Linear(number_edge_features, 3, bias=bias)
>>>         self.fc_attention = nn.Linear(2 * self.out_channels + 3, 1, bias=bias)
>>>         self.reset_parameters()
>>>     def reset_parameters(self):
>>>         size = self.in_channels
>>>         uniform(size, self.fc.weight)
>>>         uniform(size, self.fc_attention.weight)
>>>         uniform(size, self.fc_edge_attr.weight)
>>>     def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr):
>>>         row, col = edge_index
>>>         num_node = len(x)
>>>         edge_attr = edge_attr.unsqueeze(
>>>             -1) if edge_attr.dim() == 1 else edge_attr
>>>         xcol = self.fc(x[col])
>>>         xrow = self.fc(x[row])
>>>         ed = self.fc_edge_attr(edge_attr)
>>>         # create edge feature by concatenating node features
>>>         alpha =[xrow, xcol, ed], dim=1)
>>>         alpha = self.fc_attention(alpha)
>>>         alpha = F.leaky_relu(alpha)
>>>         alpha = F.softmax(alpha, dim=1)
>>>         h = alpha * xcol
>>>         out = torch.zeros(
>>>             num_node, self.out_channels).to(alpha.device)
>>>         z = scatter_sum(h, row, dim=0, out=out)
>>>         return z
>>>     def __repr__(self):
>>>         return '{}({}, {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
>>>                                    self.in_channels,
>>>                                    self.out_channels)

Design your own neural network architecture

The provided example makes use of internal edges and external edges.

We perform convolutions on the internal and external edges independently by providing the following data to the convolution layers:

  • data_ext.internal_edge_index, data_ext.internal_edge_attr for the internal edges

  • data_ext.edge_index, data_ext.edge_attr for the external edges

The GNN class must be initialized with 3 arguments: - input_shape - output_shape - input_shape_edge

>>> class GINet(torch.nn.Module):
>>>     def __init__(self, input_shape, output_shape = 1, input_shape_edge = 1):
>>>         super(GINet_layer, self).__init__()
>>>         self.conv1 = GINet_layer(input_shape, 16)
>>>         self.conv2 = GINet_layer(16, 32)
>>>         self.conv1_ext = GINet_layer(input_shape, 16, input_shape_edge)
>>>         self.conv2_ext = GINet_layer(16, 32, input_shape_edge)
>>>         self.fc1 = nn.Linear(2*32, 128)
>>>         self.fc2 = nn.Linear(128, output_shape)
>>>         self.clustering = 'mcl'
>>>         self.dropout = 0.4
>>>     def forward(self, data):
>>>         act = F.relu
>>>         data_ext = data.clone()
>>>         # first conv block
>>>         data.x = act(self.conv1(
>>>             data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr))
>>>         cluster = get_preloaded_cluster(data.cluster0, data.batch)
>>>         data = community_pooling(cluster, data)
>>>         # second conv block
>>>         data.x = act(self.conv2(
>>>             data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr))
>>>         cluster = get_preloaded_cluster(data.cluster1, data.batch)
>>>         x, batch = max_pool_x(cluster, data.x, data.batch)
>>>         # first conv block
>>>         data_ext.x = act(self.conv1_ext(
>>>             data_ext.x, data_ext.internal_edge_index, data_ext.internal_edge_attr))
>>>         cluster = get_preloaded_cluster(data_ext.cluster0, data_ext.batch)
>>>         data_ext = community_pooling(cluster, data_ext)
>>>         # second conv block
>>>         data_ext.x = act(self.conv2_ext(
>>>             data_ext.x, data_ext.internal_edge_index, data_ext.internal_edge_attr))
>>>         cluster = get_preloaded_cluster(data_ext.cluster1, data_ext.batch)
>>>         x_ext, batch_ext = max_pool_x(cluster, data_ext.x, data_ext.batch)
>>>         # FC
>>>         x = scatter_mean(x, batch, dim=0)
>>>         x_ext = scatter_mean(x_ext, batch_ext, dim=0)
>>>         x =[x, x_ext], dim=1)
>>>         x = act(self.fc1(x))
>>>         x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout,
>>>         x = self.fc2(x)
>>>         return x

Use your GNN architecture in Deeprank-GNN

>>> model = NeuralNet(database, GINet,
>>>                node_feature=node_feature,
>>>                edge_feature=edge_feature,
>>>                target=target,
>>>                task=task,
>>>                lr=lr,
>>>                batch_size=batch_size,
>>>                shuffle=shuffle,
>>>                percent=[0.8, 0.2])